The main character of the anime, Light Yagami, is the best high school student in Japan and the son of a police officer. Once the god of death named Ryuk got bored, he decided to throw one of his death notes into the human world. On the way from school, Light finds a notebook lying on the ground and decides to test its performance. Arriving home, he, in accordance with the rules, entered the name of the criminal who was shown on television at that time. To Light's surprise, the culprit did indeed die of a heart attack forty seconds later. After making sure that the death note is working, he decides to build a new world where only kind and responsible people will live, taking the lives of all the criminals mentioned in the media [4]. After a while, Ryuk appears to Light. He says that Light received the notebook by pure chance, since Ryuk sent it to the human world out of boredom, and now he hopes that Light will entertain him, but does not promise to help, for the most part remaining only an outside observer. The public gave Light the nickname "Kira" (Japanese キ ラ, Kira, from English - "Killer"). Noticing the supernatural tendency for criminals to die from heart attacks, the Japanese police begin to take an interest in what is happening, as well as Interpol, which hires a brilliant detective under the pseudonym L. From that moment, a war between two minds begins - the best student of Japan on the one hand, and the best detective on the other. Despite L's victories in detective work, his identity has always remained a secret to the public and other detectives. However, during the investigation of the "Kira" case, he first showed himself by contacting the police officers who were part of the group to capture Light. Light cannot make mistakes, because if he is caught, he will not be able to administer his justice and will receive a death sentence. His opponent cannot make a single mistake either, because otherwise Kira will kill him. Supernatural forces in the person of the gods of death, as well as other followers of Kira and supporters of L.
My assessment: 10/10